Lawyer Giacomo Pailli
Partner of MPM Avvocati – Law Firm in Florence, Italy
Practice Areas
I am a member of the Florence Bar Association and the New York Bar. I graduated in Law in Florence (2009), obtained a Master of Laws at New York University (2011) and a PhD also in Florence (2013), where I am currently a research fellow in comparative law. I wrote a book on Choice of court agreements.
I have acquired a lot of international experience, academic and practical: on the one hand, I took part in numerous projects and conferences around the world, worked as a consultant for the UNIDROIT, participated in the EU Commission’s expert group on judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters and coordinated a monumental study on cross-border service of process in the (then) 28 EU Member States (JUST/2014/JCOO/PR/CIVI/0049); on the other hand, I assisted foreign clients looking for opportunities or solutions in Italy, as well as many Italian clients wishing to navigate the tricky waters of international commerce.
I often act as an expert, appointed by the court or by one of the parties, about matters of foreign law before Italian judges, or in matters of Italian law before foreign courts. In 2012, I started with Lorenzo Micacchi to build our legal boutique under the name ‘MPM Avvocati’, which since 2021 has been a partnership with a vocation to be very good at handling interesting business matters.
I am a member of various associations: European Law Institute (ELI); International Association of Procedural Law (IAPL); Italian Society for the Study of Comparative Law (SIRD); and I am a member of the Steering Committee of the Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats – International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA), a formidable international network.
I am also a Member of the International Advisory Board of the Instituto Brasileiro de Concorrência e Inovação (IBCI) and a member of the Editorial Board of the Regional Law Review (Serbia).
I work in Italian and English and understand Spanish and French.
- G. Pailli, Autonomia privata e accordi sulla giurisdizione: un’analisi comparata, Giappichelli, 2020 (ISBN/ EAN 978-88-921-2108-9), pp. I-XXVIII; 1-396
- A. De Luca, L. Palandri, J. Celani e G. Pailli (eds.), The Italian Law of Cultural Heritage: A Dialogue with the United States, in corso di pubblicazione
- V. Barsotti, F. De Dominicis, G. Pailli e V. Varano (eds.), Azione di classe: la riforma italiana e le prospettive europee, Giappichelli, 2020
- “L’impatto della tecnologia sul processo civile italiano: un focus sulle prove” in Derecho de la Unión Europea y justicia civil eficiente (M. Aguilar e C. Carron eds.), tirant lo blanch, 2023 (ISBN: 9788411696234) pp. 539-588
- “Il mito del consenso effettivo nella giurisprudenza europea sugli accordi di scelta del foro”, in Processo e Costituzione. Omaggio a Nicolò Trocker (A. Chizzini et al. eds.), Giuffrè, 2023, (ISBN: 9788828853619), pp. 585-605
- “Basic Features of Italian Civil Procedure” (co auth. with N. Trocker), in Fundamental of Italian Law (A. Simoni – A. De Luca eds.), 2022, pp. 73-100 (in Serbian)
- “The New Italian Class Action: Another Step Forward”, in Mass Claims, 1, 2022, pp. 26-34
- “The Impact of Technology on Italian Civil Proceedings: a Focus on Evidence”, in International Journal of Procedural Law, vol. 11, 2021, no. 2, pp. 317-343
- “Gli effetti degli accordi sulla giurisdizione nei confronti dei terzi”, in Il Giusto Processo Civile, 2021, fasc. 2, pp. 509-540
- “Giurisdizione e discrezionalità: il caso degli accordi sul foro tra civil law e common law” in V. Barsotti., A. De Luca e A. Simoni (eds.), Processo e cultura giuridica. Procedure and legal culture. Scritti degli allievi e degli amici per gli 80 anni di Vincenzo Varano, Giappichelli, 2020
- “Unione Europea e azione di classe: la grande assente”, in V. Barsotti, F. De Dominicis, G. Pailli e V. Varano (eds.), Azione di classe: la riforma italiana e le prospettive europee, Giappichelli, 2020
- “Lo spazio urbano e la mendicità” in M. Giovannetti e N. Zorzella (eds.), Ius Migrandi. Trent’anni di politiche e legislazione sull’immigrazione in Italia, Franco Angeli, 2020, pp. 505-524
- “La riforma dell’azione di classe e l’eliminazione dei limiti soggettivi e oggettivi” (con D. Romei) in Le Pagine de L’Aula Civile. Annuario 2019 (diretto da M.A. Lupoi), Maggioli, Bologna, 2019, pp. 564-569
- “Il “New Deal for Consumers” della Commissione UE: alcune riflessioni sulla proposta di direttiva sulla tutela collettiva dei consumatori” in Le Pagine de L’Aula Civile. Annuario 2019 (diretto da M.A. Lupoi), Maggioli, Bologna, 2019, pp. 273-276
- “Brevi note sul rapporto tra decreto ingiuntivo, decreto di esecutorietà ex art. 647 c.p.c. e opponibilità al fallimento” in Le Pagine de L’Aula Civile. Annuario 2019 (diretto da M.A. Lupoi), Maggioli, Bologna, 2019, pp. 123-126
- “In Search of an Effective Enforcement of Consumer Right: the Italian Experience” (with C. Poncibò), in “Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law” (Micklitz-Saumier eds.), Springer, 2018, pp. 349-70
- “The Transformation of Consumer Law Enforcement: An Italian perspective” (with C. Poncibò), in Atti del XXIV Colloquio Biennale AIDC, and on Comparative Law Review, 2017, vol. 8, pp. 1-38
- “Legal Culture and Collective Redress: the Italian Experience” (with C. Poncibò), ZZPInt 21 (2016)
- “Enforcement of Consumer Law”, Co-reporter per l’Italia (con C. Poncibò), General editors: H. Micklitz & G. Saumier, International Academy of Comparative Law, Congress on Enforcement and Effectiveness of the Law, Montevideo 2016
- “Accordi sul foro e Corte di Giustizia europea: quattro recenti decisioni (Gothaer, Refcomp, CDC e CarsOnTheWeb)”, in Liber Amicorum Andrés de la Oliva Santos (Ignacio Díez-Picazo & Jaime Vegas eds.), vol. 2, CERASA, 2016, pp. 2437-2460
- “Begging for Due Process: Defending the Rights of Urban Outcasts in an Italian Town” (co-aut. con A. Simoni), 39 Seattle Law Review 1303-1326 (2016)
- “The Heritage of Mauro Cappelletti and the Florence Access to Justice Project”, Annuario di diritto comparato, 2016, pp. 29-39
- “Sequestro conservativo di quota di partecipazione in S.r.l. ex art. 2471 e 2741bis c.c. ottenuto inaudita altera parte, iscrizione nel Registro delle imprese e necessita` di notifica”, Le Corti fiorentine, 3/2015, pp. 76-94
- “Il convegno fiorentino dell’11 dicembre 2014 su ‘Processo e Costituzione: l’eredità di Mauro Cappelletti”, Rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile, 2015, 737-741
- “L’azione di classe” (, co-aut. A. De Luca), in I danni risarcibili ai consumatori nella giurisprudenza (P. Cendon ed.), UTET, 2014, pp. 605-649
- “Once upon a time in America. Kiobel: la fine della human rights litigation negli Stati Uniti?”, Int’l lis, 2014, 1, pp. pp. 31–39
- “Global Deterrence of Wrongful Behaviour and Recent Trends in Class Action and Class Arbitration: Is the US Stepping Down as the World’s Problems Solver?”, (2014) 33 Civil Justice Quarterly, Issue 3, pp. 28–42
- “Can Europe Learn from U.S. E-discovery?”, 96 Intellectual Property Forum (IPSANZ) (March 2014), pp. 44–54
- “Italian Civil Procedure” (co-aut. con N. Trocker), in Italian Legal Culture: An Introduction (A. Simoni–A. De Luca ed.), Giuffrè, 2014, pp. 163–183
- “Italy’s new law on mediation in civil and commercial matters”, co-aut. con N. Trocker, ZZPInt, 18 (2013), pp. 75–102
- “Disuasión global de conductas ilícitas: búsqueda de un foro único para las controversias transfronterizas en materia de consumo”, Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional Privado, vol. XII, 2012, pp. 189-226
- “Produzione di documenti elettronici (e-discovery) negli Stati Uniti e Unione Europea”, Rivista di Diritto Civile, 2012 (LVIII), no. 3, 409–430
- “Alcune riflessioni sulla produzione di documenti elettronici: e-discovery americana e Unione Europea”, in La e-Justicia en la Unión Europea (A. De La Oliva, F. Gascón, M. Aguilera eds.), Aranzadi, 2012, pp. 129–151
- “Art. 23 – Gli accordi sulla giurisdizione”, in Manuale di Diritto Processuale Civile Europeo (V. Varano-M. Taruffo eds.), Giappichelli, Milano 2011, pp. 52-58
- “Commercio internazionale e giurisdizione consensuale: le “proposte” della Convenzione dell’Aja del 30 giugno 2005 sulle clausole di scelta del foro”, in 2011/1 Contratto e Impresa/Europa 192
- Lecturer on “Discrimination and EU Law”, University of Prishtina – Hasan Prishtina (Kosovo), December 12, 2023, Master’s program on “Human Rights, International Criminal Law, and Transitional Justice.”
- Lecturer at Summer Law School, July 17, 2023, University of Florence, Department of Legal Science.
- Half-Year Conference, Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA), The Hague, May 24-27, 2023, speaker at the round-table on “The Hague Judgment Convention – A Game Changer?”
- Visit of the delegation from the School of Law of the University of Florence to the Institute of Comparative Law of Belgrade (Serbia), May 23, 2023, speaker on “On the Contemporary Challenges of the Italian Civil Procedure Law.”
- 9th Annual International and Comparative Urban Law Conference, organized by Fordham University (NYC) and Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), May 18-20, 2022, Accra (Ghana), speaker on “Potential and Limitations of Smart City Development in Poverty Support Policies” with V. Pagnanelli (online).
- Conference on “La mediazione tra prevenzione e risoluzione del conflitto sociale”, University of Florence, March 2-3, 2023, Moderator of morning sessions on “La mediazione nel mondo: profili antropologici e comparatistici.”
- 8th Annual International and Comparative Urban Law Conference, organized by Fordham University (NYC) and The University of British Columbia, July 14-16, 2022, speaker on “Urban Public Space, Marginal Communities and the Risks of Data Collection: A Tale from Italian Cities” with V. Pagnanelli (online).
- Conference on “The Italian Law of Cultural Heritage: A Dialogue with the United States”, Università di Firenze, June 17-18, 2012, Moderator of roundtable on “The role of cultural heritage.”
- 1st Michele Taruffo Evidence Week, Universitat de Girona, May 23-27, 2022, speaker and organizer of the roundtable on “Calling software and emojis to the stand: how technology is transforming witness testimony.”
- 4th International Conference on Competition and Innovation organized by the Instituto Brasileiro de Concorrência e Inovação (IBCI), November 9-11, 2021, online, moderator of the panel on “Class Action vs. Transfer Of Claim – Pros and Cons.”
- II Congreso Internacional De Jóvenes Civilistas organized by Ius Civile Salmaticense and Universidad de Cantabria, October 7-8, 2021, speaker on “Damages for breach of choice of court agreements? Many questions, few answers.”
- 7th Annual International and Comparative Urban Law Conference, organized by Fordham University (NYC) and TU Berlin Campus El Gouna, Berlin, July 15-17, 2021, speaker on “Regulating Public Urban Space in Italian Cities.”
- Webinar on “Legal Tech”, organized by Fondazione per la formazione forense di Firenze, Florence, May 11, 2021, speaker on “Tecnologia e processo civile: a che punto siamo?” (Technology and civil procedure: where do we stand?)
- 3rd International Conference on Competition and Innovation organized by the Instituto Brasileiro de Concorrência e Inovação (IBCI), December 8-10, 2020, online, speaker on “Competition for transitioning economies.”
- Speaker on “Azione di classe” for the Camera civile di Arezzo, December 17, 2019.
- Organization and coordination of a congress on “Class Action: the Italian reform and the European perspective”, University of Florence 2019, October 17-18. Speaker on “The European Perspective: New Deal for Consumers, toward a collective cross-border redress?”. Moderator of the Round Table.
- PhD Seminar on “The otherness of the Swedish legal tradition”, University of Florence 2019, November 12, 2018, discussant.
- International Congress of ABraSD (Brazilian Association of Researcher in Sociology of Law), Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, September 26-28, 2018, speaker on “The Outer Borders of the Rule of Law: the Italian Case.”
- Seminar on “The Challenges Of Compliance And Anti-Corruption”, AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers), Recife (Brazil), March 22-24, 2018, speaker on “Corruption and Challenges to democracies around the globe: a case study.”
- PhD Seminar on “The access to justice movement: origins and current state”, University of Florence, Italy, March 8, 2018.
- Conference on “Democracy and the Rule of Law: Relationships, Challenges, and Conflicts”, organized by the Centre for the Study of International Peace and Security, University of Westminster, London, November 18, 2017, speaker on “Democracy, Marginal Communities and Police Harassment. Is the Rule of Law Capable of Guaranteeing the Rights of Beggars Against the Will of the Majority?”
- 4th Annual International and Comparative Urban Law Conference, organized by Fordham University (NYC), Cape Town, South Africa, July 17-18, 2017 speaker on “Begging, police harassment and academic activism: an experiment in Florence.”
- Conference on “Strengthening the Rule of Law in the EU”, University of Maribor, Slovenia, March 31 – April 2, 2016, speaker on “A ‘perfect’ enforcement for Europe?”
- Conference on “Poverty Law: Academic Activism”, Seattle University School of Law, Seattle (USA), February 19-20, 2016, speaker on “Begging, police harassment and academic activism: a novel experiment in Florence” (with Prof. Alessandro Simoni).
- Second European University Institute and University of Florence Joint Seminar on “Law, Technology and Identity”, Florence, November 30, 2015, discussant on “E-Justice. How Digital Technologies Are Reshaping Dispute Resolution.”
- Annual Conference of the IVR (International Association of Legal and Social Philosophy) UK Branch on “Public/Private: Unlocking the Boundaries of Legal Thought”, Belfast (UK), October 23-24, 2015, speaker on “A ‘perfect’ enforcement for Europe?”
- Conference on “The Extraterritorial Application of EU Law”, organized by the Spanish Association of Professors of International Law and International Relations, Vigo (Spain), June 18-19, 2015, speaker on “A ‘perfect’ private enforcement for Europe?”
- Conference on “L’avvocato nel contesto internazionale ed europeo” (The attorney in the international and European context), Ordine degli Avvocati di Firenze (Florence Bar Association) and Union Internationale des Avocats, May 26, 2015, speaker on “Approccio ragionato alle clausole di scelta del foro, arbitrato e legge applicabile” (A reasoned approach to choice of court agreements, arbitration and choice of law)
- 2nd Annual Conference of the Società Italiana di Antropologia Applicata (Italian Society of Applied Anthropology), University of Bologna, campus of Rimini, December 12-13, 2014, speaker on “La costruzione delle strategie di contrasto all’antiziganismo a livello locale: potenzialità dell’interazione tra giuristi e antropologi” (Developing strategies against antiziganism at local level: potential of the interaction between lawyers and anthropologists”
- First European University Institute and University of Florence Joint Seminar on “Process and Constitution: The Heritage of Mauro Cappelletti”, Florence, December 11, 2014, discussant on “Access to Justice”
- Conference on “Quali politiche per la sicurezza?” (Which policies for urban safety?), University of Perugia, Perugia, November 14–15, 2014, speaker on “Basta che funzioni, o no ? Prospettive di ricerca in tema di politiche di sicurezza urbana e stato di diritto” (Is it enough if it just works, or not? Research perspectives on urban safety and the rule of law)
- VIII Seminario Internacional de Derecho internacional Privado, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, May 8-9, 2014, speaker on “Human Rights Litigation After Kiobel”
- Seminar on “Accattonaggio e stato di diritto: una riflessione su mendicità, libertà individuali e governo locale a partire dal ‘caso Firenze’ ” (Begging and the rule of law: some thoughts on begging, individual freedoms and local administration starting from the ‘Florence case’), University of Florence, Florence, April 16, 2014, speaker on “Considerazioni intorno a un ricorso pilota in tema di mendicità e Regolamento di Polizia Urbana” (Remarks on pilot litigation about begging and City police regulations)
- Conference on “The Implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in Spain”, Universidad de Sevilla, Seville, November 4-6, 2013, speaker on “Litigating Human Rights After Kiobel: End of an Era or a Chance for New Progress?”
- Workshop on “Law in a Changing Transnational World”, The Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University, October 30-31, 2013, speaker on “Can European companies comply with U.S. e-discovery without violating European data protection laws?”
- 2013 Law Via the Internet Conference, Jersey Legal Information Board, September 26-27, 2013, Jersey Island, speaker on “Smart Florence: measuring the impact of the Open Data project on people’s participation in the administration of the city of Florence”
- The Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference 2013, Edinburgh, September 3-6, 2013, speaker on “U.S. E-discovery, the Internet and Zubulake: New Challenges for European Companies Doing Business in the U.S.”
- VII International Seminar on Private International Law, Faculty of Law, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, April 11-12, 2013, speaker on “Cross border consumers’ class action”
- Work-in-progress Conference on “Collective Redress in the Cross-Border Context: Arbitration, Litigation, Settlement and Beyond”, Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law & Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies, Wassenaar, The Netherlands, June 20-22, 2012, speaker on “Global deterrence of wrongful behaviours: the quest for a single forum in cross-border consumers’ disputes”
- Conference on “European Civil Procedure” (Diritto Processuale Civile Europeo), Rome Bar Association, November 23, 2011, speaker on “Il regime di litispendenza nel Regolamento 44/2001” (Lis pendens regime in EU Regulation 44/2001)
- Seminar on “E-Justice in the European Union” (E-Justice nell’Unione Europea), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, November 11, 2011, speaker on “Request and production of electronically stored information in civil procedure: U.S e-discovery and the European Union”
- Conference on “European Civil Procedure” (Diritto Processuale Civile Europeo), University of Florence, Florence, October 14, 2011, speaker on “Clausole di scelta del foro in materia civile e commerciale” (Choice of Forum Clauses in Civil and Commercial Matters)
- Conference on “Jurisdiction and Circulation of Judgments in the European Judicial Area” (Giurisdizione e circolazione delle decisioni nello spazio giudiziario europeo), University of Bologna, Bologna, June 10, 2011, speaker on “Clausole di scelta del foro in materia civile e commerciale” (Choice of Forum Clauses in Civil and Commercial Matters)
- Participant to the Proyecto de Investigación «Hacia una justicia civil eficiente: desafíos actuales y próximos desde la perspectiva europea» financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España [ref. PID2019-103909GB-100], directed by Marien Aguilera Morales (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
- Organized a congress on “Class Action: the Italian Reform and the European perspective”, University of Florence, 17-18 October 2019
- Participant to the Project DER2017-86017-R “Obstáculos a la movilidad de personas en los nuevos escenarios de la UE” funded by the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Spain) directed by Pilar Jiménez Blanco y Ángel Espiniella Menéndez (University of Oviedo)
- Participant to the Proyecto Nacional I+D «El Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión europea: su incidencia en la configuración normativa del proceso civil español y en la protección de los derechos fundamentales» (Ref. DER 2016-75567-R), directed by Marien Aguilera Morales (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
- Drafter, coordinator and rapporteur for a study commissioned by the EU Commission: “Study on the service of documents – Comparative legal analysis of the Member States’ relevant provisions and practices and minimum standards” (call for tender JUST/2014/JCOO/PR/CIVI/0049) – University of Florence, University of Uppsala, DMI Consulting. Value EUR 103.000,00
- Participant to the Project on “Potenzialità della civil rights litigation contro la discriminazione indiretta di gruppi minoritari e marginali a livello locale” (Potential of civil rights litigation against indirect discrimination by local entities of marginalised and under-represented groups), funded by the Open Society Initiative. Director Prof. Alessandro Simoni. Value EUR 25.000,00
- Participant to the Project on “European Civil Procedure and e-Justice implementation within the European Union: a planning for its study and diffusion among legal practitioners”, Action Grant JLS/2008/JCIV/AG/1008-30-CE-0306633/00-00, European Commission, 2010/2012. Director, Prof. Andrés de la Oliva Santos (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). Value EUR 451.977,00
- Member of local organizing committee for the 58th World Congress of the Union Internationale des Avocats in Florence, October 29th – November 2nd, 2014 (more than 1.000 of participant lawyers); leader of the young lawyers team (12) assisting in the organization and management of Congress works and other activities
Ultimi articoli dell'Avv. Giacomo Pailli
Via Cavour, 39
50129, Florence
Forte dei Marmi
Via Cavour, 21
55042, Forte dei Marmi
Viale Italia, 219
57126, Livorno